Hennepin County Library St. Louis Park 612-543-6125 www.hclib.org
Click on Jobs & Careers. Website includes databases with job listings and links to other resources for job seekers.
Hennepin County Info 612-596-1300 www.hennepin.us
Apply for employment services.
Jewish Vocational Services 952-417-2111 www.jfcsmpls.org
Training and job search assistance.
Minnesota Department of Human Services 651-431-2000 www.dhs.state.mn.us (Search "Economic Support")
The Minnesota Family Investment Program, or MFIP, is the state’s welfare reform program for low-income families with children. DHS helps families move to work and focuses on helping families. It includes both cash and food assistance. When most families first apply for cash assistance, they will participate in the Diversionary Work Program, or DWP. This is a four month program that helps parents go immediately to work rather than receive welfare.
Minnesota Workforce Centers (WFCs) 952-346-4000
Hennepin South Location www.positivelyminnesota.com
4220 West Old Shakopee Road #100, Bloomington
WFCs provide the tools, resources and services needed for job search, career planning and training needs.
Women In Transition 612-752-8444
Lenox Community Center www.eac-mn.org
6715 Minnetonka Blvd, Suite 212. St. Louis Park
This career center offers supportive, small-group workshops. Highly interactive sessions are open to all women regardless of work experience, education or income level. Services are provided on a very reasonable sliding fee scale but no woman is turned away for inability to pay.